
Our infrastructure supplies power to homes and businesses across the north of Scotland, central southern England, and at a smaller number of locations across the rest of the United Kingdom where we have ‘National Networks’ embedded within other Distribution Network Operator licence areas. Our networks consist of overhead lines, underground cables, and other connected equipment that can be situated both above and below ground. 

From time to time the development and maintenance work of others can come close to, and often cross, our infrastructure. For example, road works to improve road layout or add extra lanes typically also involve work to move electricity lines or cables. It’s therefore important we ensure the safety of those carrying out these works and facilitate an efficient system to give advice on working in proximity to our equipment and quotations for moving our equipment and other services to facilitate clients’ projects if required.

Communications (Access to Infrastructure) Regulations 2016

Our approach to the Regulations is detailed in PR-ENG-NET-015. Enquiries about using our infrastructure to facilitate the roll-out of telecommunications should be made via email to

Works in the vicinity of our equipment

Clients carrying out development and maintenance work close to our networks may require services from us to facilitate their works.  For example, it may be necessary to move our equipment or temporarily de-energise supply to a particular site.  

Connections and Engineering standard requests

Our Connections and Engineering department based in Portsmouth can provide assistance on the standard requests below. More information can be found on our services page.

Tel: 0800 048 3516

General Enquiries standard requests

Our General Enquiries team based in Portsmouth can provide assistance for clients on the standard requests below. More information can be found on our services page. 

Telephone: 0800 048 3516

Requesting a copy of our assets (electricity cables and overhead lines)

LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) is a free to use service that any individual can use to check their works against over 90 asset owners’ utility assets.

You can request a copy of our assets before carrying out your work for free. This includes our:

  • Transmission and distribution assets across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland 
  • Our distribution assets in central southern England 
  • Our distribution 'out of area' assets across the rest of the UK

The registration process is quick and can be done by visiting the dedicated website here

Regional points of contact for statutory undertakers and large scale developers

Dispute resolution

We believe that the process described above will ensure clients are satisfied with the service they receive and we deliver on our promises about site visits, quotations, and progress updates. However, if a client has concerns about any aspect of our processes our Customer Relations team will be on hand to help. 

More information on our complaints handling process can be found here